Rhea’s Story. Part 19.

“Where have they gone? Where are the clubs of yesteryear? (Perhaps this is another sociological and anthropological treatise to be taken up at another time.) Even in Egypt, Turkey and Greece, the way the “folk” express themselves has changed, and the clubs I danced at in Athens have closed or are limping along.”

Headshot is from the late 1970s era of our life when we tried out modeling in Greece to supplement our income. Mom got a print ad gig advertising “Azax” - a household glass cleaner - with this look - Piper was in a movie that later became a cult classic - and a commercial for Fanta portokalada - I was a kid with no front teeth - hired for some chocolate commercial and a department store print ad.

Quote excerpted from Mom’s essay published in the Gilded Serpent


Rhea’s Story. Part 20.


Rhea’s Story. Part 18.